After arriving here, this phrase has taken on a whole new meaning. This past week has been full of introductions and welcomes and "this is how things will be running" seminars. It has also involved getting used to a new training center for the staff. One of these seminars was a health chat about, well, intestinal health and how we should be keenly aware of ours as we adjust to new foods, liquids and bugs. The talk ended with a slide reading: "Oh...the places you'll go."
It's funny to me that it has only been one week because it has been jam packed with events, new learning experiences and lots of new people/faces/names. My family alone, is enough to make a person's head swim. I have 5 brothers and they are all between 15 and 29. Francini, Frank, Rudy, Fernando and Renzo. We live in a town called Yanacoto which is about a 1.5 hour drive west of Lima. My mom is Gregoria and she does lots of things. My dad is Francisco and he works construction (right now putting a roof on a house in Lima). Two of my brothers are in the navy and the other three live at home. We have two dogs (Scrappy and Donde Estas), one tail-less cat (Chismoso) and many ducks, ducklings and chickens. No guinea pigs. There is also a vegetable garden more or less on the roof.
This is how our house works: Let me begin by saying that I live on the side of a mountain. My room (I have my own room!) is on the first floor, street level. Up one flight of stairs are a couple of rooms under construction and the bathroom I use. Up one more flight of stairs and you are outside without even passing through a door and on the third floor when you look at the street but still ground level if you head back to the hill. This is where the garden and animals are. You re-enter the house through a door and there is the living area of my family and the dining room. This is my view.
It. Is. Beautiful. Blessings.
Next up: Training!